His Jokes flow all too easily about the news that an annuities industry nonprofit marketing organization is sponsoring the Rolling Stones rock band’s “No Filter” national tour, scheduled to start later this month.

“Depends and dentures top-selling tour swag,” suggests 401k Specialist magazine in a blog post about the news.

“As a band that personifies longevity and living life to the fullest, The Rolling Stones continue to prove that age is just a number, and that living longer is really about continuing to do the things you love.

And in the same way, millions of Stones fans want the freedom to continue doing what they love, regardless of age,” states the website of The Alliance for Lifetime Income, the non-profit membership organization for sellers of annuities including PrudentialAIG, and Jackson National, which is the sole sponsor of Mick Jagger and his bandmates’ scheduled concerts.

The Alliance launched last year with an ad campaign and online software tools to reintroduce annuities, including variable annuities, to financial advisors, their clients, and directly to retirees.

Critics, including high-profile financial advisor Ken Fisher, had bashed the annuities as generating high fees for marketers and unreliability for investors.

This year, the annuities industry has lobbied lawmakers in Washington, hoping to get passage of the SECURE Act, which would tweak rules for tax-deferred retirement plans in a number of ways, and likely spur the use of annuities in retirement accounts.

“[I]rrespective of what retirement means to you, the important question to consider is will you have enough money to last and pay for the things you want to keep doing?” the Alliance website states. “For Stones fans and millions of other Americans, the answer could be an annuity.”

But retirement, as a concept, is not the answer for Jagger, who will turn 76 years old while on tour this summer.

By Miriam Rozen June 17, 2019

Retirement Planning

When you retire, you should be looking forward to the best years of your life. Retirement should be the time to enjoy the lifestyle you have worked for your entire career.

But for many people, that’s not the case. In fact, 80 percent of adults age 30 to 54 believe they will not have enough money for retirement.

More than a third of Americans over age 65 rely entirely on Social Security.

You may be able to save more and spend less without noticing a difference in your lifestyle, or there may be better ways to manage your money and opportunities.

Jarvis Financial Inc. specializes in retirement planning services.

Our experts can help you maximize your situation and be level-headed and confident as you plan for your retirement. Our Retirement Planning process is designed to help individuals or couples at or near retirement answer the following questions:

  •   Can I retire when I want to?
  •   Will I have accumulated the money I’ll need?
  •   Will I run out of money too soon?
  •   Should I start Social Security now or wait?
  •   Which should I draw down first-my IRA or regular accounts

Let Jarvis Financial Inc. “Help you find the right path to your future”. Click here for more Information.

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